50 DAYS OF WISDOM - DAY 37 "Why you should not be lazy" PROVERBS 18:9
Cool Palapa on Camp Pendleton in San Clemente
Central America. Great Surf - Terrible Water
Church = God honoring relationships with People.
Dr. Ryan here today, episode 2, 142. Pretty appropriate that today I should be talking to you about why you should not be lazy. The Bible has some really strong words for those of us who don't like to work hard.
Proverbs 18, 9 says, a lazy person is as bad as someone who destroys things.
That's a pretty big claim. Let's dig into what it is that we're talking about here. A lazy person is as bad as someone who destroys things.
Why is that?
First of all, laziness is theft. It means that you live off the work of others. Essentially when you're saying, I want to be lazy and I don't want to work, a lot of times this is rationalized by people who think that their behavior is in a bubble and it doesn't affect others. This of course is false. All actions affect other actions to some degree. It's even a principle of physics. Here we learn that laziness is actually stealing because you're counting on another person's work to make up for your decision to not work. This of course is selfish. This really needs to be called out. God clearly expects us to work and to work hard. Laziness is also selfishness because you live for yourself and your comfort.
Secondly, laziness is selfishness because we're living for ourselves and for our comfort, our wanting to avoid pain, our wanting to avoid suffering, our wanting to avoid sweat, our wanting to avoid hard work.
Third, laziness is neglect of duty. You don't do what you should. We all have an obligation to work. Now this starts when you're really young. For example, when I was young, we had a dog. I was expected to feed the dog, water the dog, and pick up the dog's poop. Essentially, the dog was my child. That's the way that I was raised. Our dog was Rosie. I was the dog's parent. I fed the dog. I gave the dog water and I took the dog's poop out. Now I didn't pay for the house that the dog stayed at. I didn't pay for the dog food and I didn't pay for the water that I put in the dog bowl, but I was expected to do all of the other things. I think I started at eight years old.
Fourth , When I was growing up, we had chores. If you didn't make your bed, if you didn't clean your room, if you didn't take care of the dog, you didn't get to eat. My parents trained me early on. There was a relationship between working and eating. That's what the Bible teaches. If you want to eat, you have to work. You have to work to eat. A lot of people don't want to work at all. They want to eat. They don't want to work. They want other people to feed them. This is the real pandemic in our culture, is the grievance that people have towards working. The Bible expects us to work and to work hard.
In that spirit, thank you so much for joining me today. Now there's 242 of these Bible teachings. I think we're up to 150 hours. You could almost turn on this channel and just listen to Bible teachings almost for an entire week straight. Very, very exciting. We can never get enough of God's Word in our life and in our heart. If you're getting a lot out of this, would you please do me a favor and subscribe, share this. Really helps us get the Word out for what God's doing in and through ocean water.
Until next time, have a beautiful day.