50 DAYS OF WISDOM - DAY 29 "Wisdom as avoiding Stupid" Proverbs 14
This June 1-9 I will be riding down the California coast from San Francisco to Pismo Beach with my friend Dave and we will be highlighting our water project in El Salvador. Gonna be a blast!
The time I rode 200 miles in 1 day with 2 teenagers from Ventura to Ocean Beach. Don’t tell young people what they can’t do!! Adam Wright (white jersey) rode the 200 miles , had pizza, then rode 12 miles home. HAHAHAHA
Maybe I can get Mac to ride with Dave and I one day
Today I want to talk to you about the contrast between wisdom and folly.
At a Proverbs 14, Proverbs was written to give the simple person insight into human nature and into life. And so if you've ever felt like you're at a disadvantage, to access the right information to help you get ahead, a lot of it is in Proverbs, so you're really going to want to spend a lot of time in this book. I'd say that in the 36 years, 36 years? No, I'm sorry, 31 years that I have followed Jesus, I have spent the most time in the book of Proverbs. I've always wanted to seek out wisdom and to learn it and apply it to my life. Today is one of my favorite chapters, looking at chapter 14.
FIRST - A couple things, verse 4 where, no ox in the trough is clean, but much increase comes by the strength of an ox. So usually we talk about the strength of an ox. Very common now to talk about a person's strength, a person's endurance. Just want to point out, a lot of times we want the strength of an ox. You will need the strength of an ox in your life if you're ever going to accomplish anything in your life. You're going to need tenacity and perseverance.
SECOND - However, ox are also very messy. And it's something we don't talk a lot about. What we want is tenacity and endurance, but we don't want the mess. That's not reality. The reality is that life is very messy, especially when you're dealing with determined people set on accomplishing things. You're going to make mistakes. You're going to do things wrong. You're going to create messes. There's this whole list of things that we don't know that we shouldn't have done, but you don't get to that list until you get out there and do stuff like an ox.
THIRD - You want to be proactive. You want to be determined. You want to have strength. You want to have fortitude. You want to have tenacity, but you're also going to make quite a few messes. And instead of running from that, that should be celebrated because people that are making messes are exerting energy, and that's to be encouraged like an ox. Verse six, a scoffer seeks wisdom and does not find it, but knowledge is easy to him who understands.
FOURTH - Pride has a way of concealing things from the proud. You can study all the great Christian thinkers, and they always talk about humility being the most important virtue of godly character. Pride has a way of obfuscating and keeping you from insight and things you're going to need to get ahead. And the Bible says that pride comes before the fall. The Bible says that god opposes the proud, but he gives grace to the humble. So in that, knowledge is easy to him who understands. So when you're humble, God gives you more insight. When you're humble, God gives you more favor. Verse nine, fools mock at sin, but among the upright there is favor. Just mention this. So fools mock god, mock what is right, mock what is true, but the upright, they have favor.
FIFTH - So God will give you favor with people, favor with circumstances, favor at work, favor with business when your heart is right. Now that doesn't mean you don't go through trials. It doesn't mean you don't go through tribulation. It doesn't mean you don't go through suffering, but when your heart is humble and you're hardworking, you get the favor that you need in life and god will give it to you to be successful.
SIXTH - Verse 14, the backslider in heart will be filled with his own ways, but a good man will be satisfied from above. One of the downsides of being a know-it-all, you ever been a know-it-all? They just think they know everything. They're actually really condescending when you talk to them, you interact with them. Again, God opposes the proud. A good man will be satisfied from above. The good person finds their satisfaction in God, finds their peace in God, finds their joy in God.
LASTLY - verse 15, the simple believes every word, but the prudent considers well his steps. I love this because there's a verse talking about being skeptical. Shouldn't believe everything you hear. Shouldn't buy every product that people are trying to sell. You're always going to want to sort of raise an eyebrow. You might want to ask yourself, is that true? Is that real? These days, most of the time it isn't. Basically, God will give you the wisdom to show you what's true and what is basically a complete scam. God will help you avoid stupid. So I love Proverbs. There's lots of wisdom in here, lots of discretion, so many truths to be found in this book. I'm so glad you could join me today. Until next time, I hope you have a beautiful day.