50 DAYS OF WISDOM - DAY 15 "Wisdom as Avoiding Adultery" Proverbs 6:24-35
My brother Sompopo. He rips surfing. And leads a rad church at his house on the beach.
Successful water test from Brackish water well on the beach
We postponed our 1 year celebration but God’s work carried on and now we are coming up on 5 years!!!
I want to talk to you about wisdom as avoiding adultery, Proverbs 6:24-35.
Do not lust in your heart after her beauty, or let her captivate you with her eyes, for a prostitute can be had for a loaf of bread by another man's wife. Praise unto your very life, can a man scoop fire into his lap without his clothes being burnt?
So the Bible gives us some pretty clear directions here about avoiding adultery. So what exactly are we talking about when we're talking about avoiding adultery? Well, we're talking about having sexual relations with your neighbor's wife. Now that can literally mean the wife of the person who lives next door to you. But the Bible takes it a little bit further.
And what it means is that if you're sleeping or having sexual relationship with anybody who's not your wife. So this can mean before you're married and after you're married. Just to be really clear, this doesn't mean that you just don't do this after you're married. It means that every person you have sex with that isn't your spouse, that's adultery. So just to be really clear.
Okay, so the second thing is, so how does this happen? Well, it happens through flattery. And so flattery is referred to as smooth talking, people who know how to tell you what you want to hear.
Now this goes both ways. Now when people are weak, that can be picked up upon by a crafty man or crafty woman who will be astute enough to sort of tell you what you want to hear. Ironically, not what you really are. God always tells you what you really are. The crafty person tells you what you want to hear. So that's referred to as smooth talking. So just clarifying definitions. It's what neighbor's wife means.
Anybody who's not your wife before or after you're married.
And so just to be really clear, if you do this, the Bible communicates, it's game over. Meaning you will suffer the consequences of those decisions. So there will be emotional, intellectual, mental, physical, spiritual ramifications of this type of decision.
Paul makes it really clear in Corinthians. He says every sin that a person commits outside of sexual sin, it's different because he says that he who commits the sexual actually sins against himself. So you feel the judgment in your personal life. So I want to be really clear. It's game over. You will have some type of judgment.
Now if you know all of this and you go ahead and do it, the Bible refers to this as a foolish act. One way of looking at this is - you're being an idiot.
So if you know all of this, you know you're supposed to avoid adultery and you go ahead and do it, you're being really foolish.
You are selling the most precious asset that you have, your integrity, at a fire sale price. And so that's just a very short-sighted, very foolish investment.
And then lastly, justice will be brought to you. Now all sins are forgivable. All sins have different consequences. This one here, there is a price to pay for it. Much in the same way that there's a price to pay for the taking of another human life, one sin, different consequences.
The Bible's making it really clear here. This sin has specific consequences, much of which has to do with sort of the searing of your own conscience. So we're supposed to avoid this. We show that we're wise by avoiding adultery, avoiding sex with anybody who's not our wife. Beware of smooth talking people. It will equal game over for part of your life. You'll feel the judgment. If you know all this and you do it anyways, you're being an idiot and the justice will be served to you.
Now, what does justice look like? Well, we'll have to talk to God about that when we get to heaven. It gets doled out differently, but these are sort of the parameters for this conversation.
Hey, thanks so much for tuning in today. If you're getting something out of these, if you can do me a favor and share them. Also I get asked at times if you want to invest in ocean water. We are helping people get clean water. So far we've produced over 70,000 liters so far for people. We have helped plant 45 churches in seven countries now for about 1300 people. We average about 30 people a church, all lay led churches. Very exciting. Thanks so much for considering giving and we will invest it in Salt Water, Clean Water and Living Water. Just a reminder I am a Special Education Teacher who volunteers his time to Ocean Water. We take our sincerity and stewardship seriously. Until next time, have a beautiful day.