Yesterday I took a test for teaching and had dinner with my parents , but this is my favorite surf photo from 2023!
This June I will get to RIDE4WATER with my friend Dave Harrison San Francisco - Pismo Beach. Stoked . I took this photo last year in 2023 when I did a solo recon of the route. Yeeewww
My good buddy Mitch who leads Chacareros in Argentina. We got to surf!
Today we're going to talk about peace. I want to talk to you today about what it is and how do you get it. Now if you've grown up at the beach like I did, there's a lot of this going around on people's hands, but not a whole lot of it going on in their heart. So today we want to break that down.
The Bible says that peace comes from God. In fact in Philippians chapter 4 verses 6 and 7 it says, for the peace of God transcends all understanding and that it will actually guard our hearts. So what are we actually talking about? We talk about peace. Well the scriptures say that peace is a state of tranquility. Very interesting. Look at that.
And so what does that mean? Well a state of tranquility means have you ever been around people or a person who they were very calm? They were very relaxed? I would describe my wife this way. Very calm, very relaxed, very in the moment. She has peace in her heart coming from the inside out. So peace is first of all a state of tranquility. That's what the word there means as we dig around in the original language. It also means a peace between people. This is a photo of actually myself and Adam Watts surfing at one of our favorite breaks
in El Salvador just a few years ago. That's the picture that I've used for today.
Peace between people.
It's interesting to see people do a lot of this, talk about peace. But really peace is also the energy and the interpersonal relationships that we're able to have with others. Let me ask you a question. Do you have peace in between the different relationships that you have in your life with your parents, with your children, with your family and close relatives, with your friends, with your co-workers, and then with just with people that you live with in life? Do you feel like you have that peace in your life?
The Bible is talking about a state of tranquility. But it's also talking about peace in between people. That's why the Bible also teaches that it's impossible to say that we love God, but we don't love people. Now why? Well because if you loving people, having peace in between all of your personal relationships is actually the evidence that you have a relationship with God.
And then lastly, peace is, this is very interesting, peace is a way that leads to it. What is that talking about? Well Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me. This is very interesting. You wouldn't think that this word would be talking about a way. So far it's a state of mind, it's the state of your relationships, and then it's a path that leads to peace.
Jesus is the path that leads to peace. Maybe you've never taken that path. You could say right now, hey God, put me on your path in Jesus' name. In fact, really following God, being a disciple of Jesus every day is simply saying, God I choose your path today. God would you help me to follow you today.
We make following Jesus, we make discipleship, actually the followers of Jesus, very complicated, it isn't, it isn't. It's simply saying, Lord help me to follow your path today in my life.
Now when I look at all of the fruit of the Spirit that I'm teaching on over the next nine episodes, this one I think jumps out the most right now for what we need in our lives and really in our world. There is an epidemic of a deficit of peace. There are people saying the right things, there are people tweeting and putting out the right things, but really when you interact with people on a daily basis, you will notice there is a deficit of peace that exists in people's lives.
Jesus is the way to peace, Jesus is actually the author of peace and that's why we need
him in our hearts and in our lives. Following Jesus, being a disciple of Jesus means that we give all of our cares to him because he's the one that can carry our cares for us.
Now you might be in a place in your life right now where you're carrying a lot, I was on
the phone earlier, long time friend, going through a lot, carrying a lot. It's in those moments if you're the smartest, if you're the most gifted, you're the most talented, life will still come at you a hundred miles an hour and you can literally say in those moments, God, I give you all of the things that I'm carrying and in exchange would you give me your peace in my life.
I'd like to invite you right now to stop, take a breath and invite God into your life and invite Jesus into your heart and ask for God's peace to flood you in your heart, your
mind and your life. In fact, let's pray together, Jesus, we invite you into our minds, into our hearts and into our lives right now. All of the things that we're carrying, we give them to you and please Lord, would you give me your peace and fill my life with your peace.
In Jesus' name, amen.
Thank you for watching. I'm on a 10 year journey essentially to teach the entire Bible about 10 minutes at a time. I'll be consistent, I'll be faithful, that's how God's wired me.
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Until tomorrow, have a beautiful day.
Text me 562-553-2024 if you need anything. Have a beautiful day.